Did you come to the beach yesterday? The first batch of Hawksbill hatchlings were released that day.... Bye bye babies, be strong.....

Below is a story from one of our volunteer, Soraya (20) a college student from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), who's doing her two months job-training program in Bintan...
Here's her experience.........
The Wonder of Nature
This is my first time in Bintan, I came here to attend “on the job training programme” at Nirwana Gardens Resort, one of many resorts in Lagoi, Bintan Island.
Since my major study is biology, especially ecology, I got job to take care about sea turtle conservation programme here. Actually, I knew nothing about sea turtles before I came here. Then I attend sea turtles training programme, got so many info about them.
There are two species of sea turtles that lay their eggs frequently in Bintan Island, Hawksbill turtle and Green turtle. I’ve already found 2 nests of Hawksbill turtle in June, 12th and 30th . It really makes me soo happy, because all my efforts paid off. I’ve done turtle survey with my team, walk along the beaches in the morning, on 4 a.m or 5 a.m, bring my flashlight, walk along sandy beach, or rocky beach sometimes, and i’m doing this 2-3 times a week.
When we found mommy turtle’s track, we followed it to her nests. She usually makes 2-3 nests, the real nest is only one, so we have to check it one by one using a stick and stab it carefully. When we found the real nest, we dig it, and relocated the eggs to our hatchery in Nirwana Gardens beach. We took the eggs one by one carefully because the eggs shouldn’t be rotated, put them in a bucket that covered with a little bit of sand, and bring them to our hatchery, where we have dig a hole as same as the real nest and place the eggs there.
And after 2 months, the eggs will hatch, the hatchlings will crawl up, out from their nest, walk on the beach to the sea. It’s very amazing if you can see it by yourself.
Yesterday, first of July, I just saw that moment, started from a little dig in their nest, then, one hatchling came out, showed its cute head first, and followed by other hatchlings. It’s a very very amazing moment. They’re always move their little legs, trying to crawl up and run to the sea. We put them in a bucket and released them on the beach.
When they finally reached the sand beach, they're starting to run ...and run to the open sea, keep swimming for 24 hours. I hope in another 20-30 years, one of them can go back and nesting here, in Bintan Island, again. Because the hatchlings have many predators waiting for them, from the sea and from the air. Hope they'll survive......
The Turtle-Release event like yesterday was a wonderful moment for me.....
I hope I can see that again........

(as written on 2-7-2009 by Soraya)