Bintan Turtle

My photo
Lagoi, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia
The turtle conservation initiative in Bintan Resorts started in 2004. There are only 1 or 2 nests a month found in the nesting season whereas in 1950's fishermen found 1 to 2 nests a night. The nesting season is from March to September. To date, more than 4000 turtle hatchlings released to the sea. What do we do? Save the turtle eggs, incubate the eggs in hatchery, release the hatchlings together with tourists, volunteers and villagers and give awareness to villagers and students from local schools in surrounding area. By saving them, there’s a hoping to see them more in the future

Monday, 6 July 2009

Sea Turtle versus The Global Warming

How will "Global Warming" affect sea turtles?

The impact of such phenomenal climate change pervades every level of the environment. An increase in temperature of just 1ºC from global warming could eliminate the birth of male sea turtles, according to the recent study from the University of Exeter. A rise of 3º could lead to extreme levels of infant mortality and declines in nesting beaches. Changing the sex ratio of sea turtles will make saving these enigmatic creatures from the edge of extinction even harder...”(from


Penyu dan Pemanasan Global

"...pemanasan global akan membuat suhu di berbagai belahan bumi naik. Bila lingkungan di sekitar tempat menetasnya tukik itu panas, maka ada potensi mereka menjadi betina semua, Proses penentuan jenis kelamin terjadi tiga minggu setelah induk penyu meletakkan telur di sarangnya itu, sangat dipengaruhi suhu. Dalam suhu lebih dari 29 derajat celcius, maka dipastikan jenis kelamin tukik akan menjadi betina semua. Tentu saja kalau betina semua, reproduksi penyu-penyu tersebut tentu akan sulit sekali " (from "Penyu Bintan Hadapi Ancaman Pemanasan Global")

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